Because the world is a better place when you can earn a living doing the work you love.
Learn how to set strategic holiday hours in your creative business without the stress. Get practical tips for managing your schedule, setting boundaries, and maintaining work-life balance during the busy season.
Tired of transactional client relationships? Discover how the best creative entrepreneurs use gratitude to boost retention, get glowing referrals & charge higher rates.
See how Jo Magliocco went from solo web designer to running a successful marketing agency. Learn why it’s okay – and actually amazing – when your business goals change over time. Perfect for creative business owners ready for their next chapter.
Transform your creative business through pricing transparency. Learn how sharing your rates attracts better clients and saves time. Practical tips for product and service-based creative businesses.
Learn how to set prices that reflect your true value as a creative professional. Practical steps to capture your impact, communicate with confidence, and implement value-based pricing—without overextending yourself or adding unnecessary deliverables.
Struggling to price your creative work? Uncover five common pricing mistakes and learn how to set rates that reflect your true value. Practical advice for freelancers and creative business owners.
Increase your creative business revenue through ethical upselling. Learn strategies to enhance client value while boosting your bottom line.
What is value-based pricing and why should you ditch hourly rates as a creative entrepreneur? Learn how to boost profits, improve client relationships, and showcase your true value.
Discover powerful, ethical pricing psychology techniques to make your creative products and services more appealing. Learn how to use odd numbers, the decoy effect, anchoring, bundling, and genuine scarcity to boost sales.
Are you undervaluing your creative work? Learn why it’s so important to confidently raise your rates, attract better clients, and build a thriving business you love.