Is It Time For You To Hire A Business Coach? Here Are 6 Telltale Ways To Know For Sure

So you’ve got the business up and running. You’re DOING the damn thing, connecting with clients, sharing the creative work you love, and even driving a profit at the end of the day! If you’ve gotten this far on your own, take a moment to give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. 

YOU made that happen. 

But now, you’re at a crossroads. You can feel the potential of your business, but maybe you aren’t so sure what your next move should be. 

After all, you didn’t go to business school; you went to ART school. And more often than not, when it comes to the business side of things, you simply don’t know what you don’t know. 

You see tons of business coaches out there, and maybe you even have friends and business besties who have worked with business coaches in the past. 

You find yourself wondering, “is it time for ME to hire a business coach?”

In this blog post, we’ll explore six indicators that may point toward hiring a business coach. Plus, I’ll prep you with additional factors you’ll want to consider before taking the leap into business coaching so you can feel completely confident in any decision you make!

What is a Business Coach?

A business coach is someone who guides entrepreneurs as they establish the vision they have for their business and supports them with the strategies, mindset work, systems, processes, and outside perspectives needed to get there!

Business coaches can help you and hold you accountable as you identify your personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, take strategic action, cut through the business jargon, and develop the confidence you need to be a true leader and CEO.

Simply put, a business coach helps you move from where you are to where you want to be. But they can’t do it alone! It’s a symbiotic relationship where you and your coach must be equally invested in the progress of your business. 

There are literally business coaches for every niche and specialty under the sun! For example, I’m a business coach who specifically works with creatives. I went to art school, got into the creative business as a graphic designer, and learned how to build a successful business along the way. Today, I get to blend my business expertise with my experience as a creative to support my clients with a unique and custom approach. These qualities make me an excellent coach for designers, writers, artists, and makers. But I’d be the first to admit I wouldn’t be a good fit for an accountant or a fitness center!

The 6 Indicators You May Want To Hire A Business Coach

Hiring a business coach isn’t a one-size-fits-all decision. There’s no perfect or obvious right time to hire a coach, and some entrepreneurs find success without ever recruiting the help of a business coach. But these 6 indicators can help you see how your business could benefit from bringing a business coach on board! 

# 1 You have a clear goal or vision but don’t know how to get there or even where to start.

I see this ALL the time, especially in the creative business world! As a creative, you might have a vision for the work you want to do and how you want to serve. You’ve got the skill and the willpower to go for it, but you get caught up in the logistics! 

This is where a business coach can step in to help you fill the gaps!

Business coaches can offer you a roadmap to success. Experienced coaches have been around the block, and they’ve seen what works and what doesn’t! While no business is exactly like yours, a business coach can often offer you a blueprint to guide the way, so you don’t have to blindly go through all the trial and error to reach your goals. 

They can help you: 

  • avoid common pitfalls
  • identify what’s missing in your current plans
  • close the gap or connect the dots in your workflows
  • and help apply sound business sense

Plus, they can help you make sure your business is actually adding up to those big goals you have in mind! At the end of the day, your business needs to be profitable and sustainable. A business coach will help you ensure that on your way to fulfilling your vision, you’re making the money you need and living a lifestyle that feels good for you!  

All of this can be the difference between your business remaining stagnant or FINALLY scaling to that next level you’ve been striving for!

# 2 You AREN’T clear about the direction of your business.

Sometimes you may simply have no idea where this business thing is even headed! It can feel like a runaway train that’s entirely out of control and seems to have a mind of its own!

Often this happens to “accidental entrepreneurs,” the business owners who get started by taking on a few projects here and there. Eventually, these projects morph into something way bigger than they ever expected! These people may not even view themselves as business owners!

This might be you if suddenly, you wake up one day and realize these side gigs have transformed into a full-blown business!

This isn’t a bad thing, but a business coach can help you get a grip and regain control over your life and your business when you’re in over your head!

A business coach can help you:

  • Open your eyes to possibilities so you can see what paths are available to you.

  • Figure out how to prioritize your goals and desires so your business supports your life– instead of the other way around!

  • Align your life stage to your business model and goals. They can also offer support while you put your plains into action (for example, some coaches specialize in balancing the unique challenges and rewards of being a mom and a business owner).

# 3 You want to hit that next level.

Are you feeling stuck? Maybe things are going “fine,” but no matter how hard you try, you can’t take your business to that next level. If this sounds like you, your actions prove you are ready to bet on yourself. You’re prepared to roll up your sleeves so you can tap into your potential and finally go after your dreams. 

But what got you here won’t get you there. If you keep doing things the way you’ve always done them, your next level, next goal, or next major breakthrough will always feel elusive! 

If you’re ready for that next level, but feel like you’re spinning your wheels, a business coach may simply be that something “different” that shakes things up and reinvigorates your work. 

A business coach will not only help to fuel that fire and desire you have, but they’ll also offer an outside perspective! Having a thought partner can be incredibly encouraging if you’re a solopreneur who doesn’t have a team to brainstorm with. 

Plus, a business coach will challenge you and inspire growth in ways you may not have been able to achieve on your own. They will test your hypotheses or poke holes in your assumptions so that you can shine a light on things you may be overlooking, missing, or misunderstanding! 

# 4 You need or want accountability.

As entrepreneurs, it can often feel EASY to put our clients first. But more often than not, that means we’re willing to put ourselves and our priorities LAST! 

Been meaning to…

Start that podcast? 

Commit to a monthly email newsletter? 

Finally, update your website?!

In the hustle and bustle of your business and life, these things often get set on the back burner!

If you find you keep bailing on the business-related tasks that are important to you, it’s time to bring in the reinforcements!

A business coach will help you put a stop to the excuses in an encouraging and positive way so that you can achieve your goals and move the needle in your business once and for all!

Business coaches will work with you to identify the structure and timelines that make sense for you!

Plus, we all need someone to kindly call us out on our BS from time to time so we can get out of our own way! 

# 5 You’re ready to hop in the express lane and shorten the learning curve. 

The learning curve can be STEEP when you run your own business. Not only are you juggling all of your day-to-day tasks (and, ya know, trying to have a social life too), but you’re ALSO trying to understand all the ins and outs of running a successful business. 

PHEW! That’s enough to make anyone want to turn off all the alarms and take a weekend-long nap!

A good business coach gives you the benefit of learning from all their years of experience, not just your own, while accelerating the process and allowing you to focus your attention where it counts.

You’ll have access to:

  • their knowledge
  • their network
  • their resources
  • their strategies, approaches, and frameworks.

This is why it’s crucial that you find someone who has what you want, has achieved what you are aiming for, shares your beliefs and values, and aligns with what you view as successful.

# 6 What was once working isn’t working for you anymore.

It is possible to out-grow your business. But that doesn’t mean you need to throw in the towel altogether! Things have probably just changed!

Maybe you…

  • Have a new definition of success
  • Are experiencing a different season of life or business
  • Outgrew your systems
  • Are in brand new circumstances
  • Experienced a market shift

You see, businesses aren’t stagnant, and neither are we! 

As entrepreneurs, we don’t operate in a vacuum– tons of experiences and factors will influence our work. Naturally, what worked at one time or for one stage of business might not work for another. 

A coach can absolutely help with that!

Sometimes you may be too close to your work to see the problem clearly or consider different ways of doing things. If you can’t SEE the problem, how can you possibly solve it?! Business coaches can pinpoint your roadblocks and open your eyes to new solutions!  

Or, you might know the problem but be too overwhelmed, burnt out, stressed out, or behind to solve it at all, let alone solve it strategically!

A business coach will help you step out of the overwhelm, get clear on your next steps, and find direction in your business through any transition or season!

Pulse Check: What to consider before pulling the trigger and hiring the business coach!

Maybe one or several indicators have stood out to you by this point, and you’re thinking a business coach is probably the right move for you. Here are a few things to consider before you jump in head first so that you can make a sound, confident, and responsible decision. 

Financial investment

Notice I said investment, not an expense! While you will likely spend a significant chunk of change on business coaching, when you hire a coach strategically, it is a decision that will pay off long-term (ROI or Return on Investment). 

Those who pay, pay attention!

Before making this investment, assess:

  – Can I afford it (really?)

  – What is the expected ROI?

  – What is the expected timing of the ROI (6 months, two years, five years)?

There are no guarantees. Be ok with that! And if a business coach DOES promise you specific results, be wary!

Time and energy investment

Your investment isn’t just monetary! Your time and energy are equally valuable, if not more since they are non-renewable resources. Use yours wisely.


  • Can I really do the work needed to get what I want and need out of coaching right now?
  • How can I make the most of this time and opportunity?
  • What do I need to commit to in order to really show up?

Your personal goals

Are you clear on what your goals are? Before hiring a coach, you need to get clear on your intentions; otherwise, how could you possibly find the right coach for YOU?!

Ask yourself:

  • What is motivating me to invest in a coach (hint, hint: refer to the six indicators above)
  • Does the transformation the coach offers align with those goals?
  • How does this coaching get you closer to your definition of success?

Get Honest

While hiring a business coach can absolutely be a wonderful decision for you and your business, it should never be treated as a blanket solution or a quick fix! Make sure your intentions are aligned before you move forward. 

Don’t hire a coach just for validation.

Sure, we would all love to have someone cheering us on from the sidelines, boosting our ego. But, that’s not a coach’s role, and it’s actually a poor use of your time, money, and energy. A coach should be more than an overhyped cheerleader!

Hire the right fit. 

Business coaches are not one-size-fits-all. The coach your business bestie ADORES may not be the right fit for you! Make sure they have the right credentials and experience to serve your needs. Consider their knowledge of your business model, industry, and ICA. There are literally coaches for every industry, business type, and personality! Take the time to do your research, interview coaches, and find someone you deeply connect with.

Be clear – coaching, consulting, or both!

Nope, coaching and consulting are NOT the same thing! Coaches help you work through problems while consultants give you the answers that guide your business decisions.

Some business coaches will do both! My coaching is a hybrid of coaching and consulting! While I heavily slant towards coaching, I do reach into my experience in the creative industry to provide consulting-level support for my clients when needed.  

Make sure you understand which services will be most valuable to you, and then make sure the coach you hire can deliver in the way you need!

Get clear on expectations.

Before getting started, you’ll want to do a little soul searching. What do you hope to get out of the experience, and how committed are you to this investment of time, money, and energy? What do you expect of your coach?

Once you’re in conversation with a coach and getting ready to hire, be sure you’re both on the same page. 

Before you sign a contract or put down a deposit, you’ll want to understand:

  – How will things run?

  – Who is responsible for what?

  – What are the goals?

  – How are you measuring progress?

  – Will you receive coaching, consulting, or both?

Understand that you have to put in the work. Hiring a business coach isn’t like outsourcing to an accountant or a copywriter. You can’t just ask them for help and expect a done-for-you deliverable returned at the end. 

No matter how amazing a business coach is, they can’t do the work for you! At the end of the day, you get out what you put into the coaching experience. 

Next Steps

Hiring a business coach isn’t a simple decision! So many factors go into making this choice wisely like the current state of your business, your goals, your niche, your budget, and your definition of success. 

I hope this guide has helped you determine if you’re ready to hire a business coach while preparing you with the essential things you need to consider to make sure your choice is strategic and aligned. 

If you’re not prepared to hire a 1:1 business coach just yet but want to lay a strong foundation for your creative business, there are tons of other options available that can offer similar support without the high price tag!


I have something REALLY special in the works. If you’re not quite ready to invest in 1:1 coaching, you’re in luck. I’m curating a course specifically for creative entrepreneurs like YOU. Click here to add your name to the no-obligation waitlist and be the first to know about all the juicy details, launch dates, and bonuses! 

  1. […] a creative business owner, you’ve probably thought about hiring a business coach at one point or another. Maybe you’ve even worked with one in the […]

  2. […] way I could never have anticipated: I help other creatives build creative businesses they love as a business coach and an outsourced […]

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