Your Prices Belong on Your Website (Period)

Transparency, Trust, and Client Experience

If you’re a creative entrepreneur chances are you’ve poured a ton of time and energy into crafting your business website (likely more than once over the years). 

Your current site might showcase your stunning portfolio, captivating copy, and glowing testimonials

But there’s one thing conspicuously missing—your prices.

You hem and haw, wondering if sharing your rates will scare off potential clients or make you look too “salesy.” You worry about being judged for charging too much or too little. And so, you decide to play it safe and keep your prices under wraps, opting for a coy “contact me for a quote” instead.

Sound familiar? 

You’re certainly not alone. 

Sharing your pricing can be nerve-wracking, whether you’re a service-based or product-based business. But I’m here to tell you that no matter what your creative business is, hiding your prices is doing you and your clients a major disservice.

You see, when it comes to building trust, transparency, and a positive client experience, putting your prices on your website is non-negotiable. 

Not posting your rates is like going to a fancy restaurant and being handed a menu without prices. You’re left wondering if you can afford the steak tartare or if you should stick to the side salad. No one wants to play a guessing game when it comes to their wallet, your clients included!

But I get it. Talking about money can be awkward, especially for creative entrepreneurs.

You pour your heart into your work, and attaching a dollar sign to it can feel icky. 

But here’s the thing: When you’re upfront about your prices, you attract the right clients—the ones who value your work and are willing to invest in it.

So, let’s explore why putting your prices on your website is the key to unlocking a whole new level of success in your business. Trust me, your bank account, your clients, and your sanity will thank you.

Normalize Talking About Money

First and foremost, it’s time to normalize talking about money and finances, especially for women and creatives. We’ve been conditioned to believe that discussing our rates is taboo, that it’s somehow impolite to put a value on our work. 

But let me tell you, that stigma is completely FALSE!

When we shy away from talking about money, we do ourselves and our industry a huge disservice. We perpetuate the idea that our creative work isn’t valuable, that we should be grateful for any scraps thrown our way. And that is the root of the starving artist myth.

Your website is your virtual storefront, your 24/7 salesperson, your chance to make a strong first impression. 

And what’s the first thing people want to know when they enter any store? The prices, of course! 

Imagine walking into a boutique, falling in love with a dress, and then having to play a frustrating game of “guess how much it costs” with the salesperson. 

No thanks, right?

The same goes for your website. 

By listing your prices, you’re showing your potential clients that you’re confident in the value you provide and, most importantly, you give them the information they need to make an informed decision about working with you.

When you start normalizing money talk, you’ll attract clients who appreciate your transparency, value your work, and align with you. Not to mention  you’ll be setting a powerful example for other creatives to follow. 

Empower Your Clients

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “But Erin, isn’t it my job to make sure my pricing is accessible to everyone? Shouldn’t I be the one to decide whether my rates are right for my audience or even every one individually?”

No. Just, no.

Here’s the truth: 

As a business coach who actively works to provide resources to creatives at all levels, I am a HUGE advocate for accessibility. However, the reality is that not every offer can be for everyone. 

Even my own coaching offers are not right for every single person, which is why I’ve scaled my offerings over time, from low-ticket products, to a mid-range course, and high-ticket outsourced COO packages. This allows me to reach and support people at different stages of their journey.

What I hope you take away from this is:

It’s not your job to assume what someone can or can’t afford. And it’s certainly not your place to judge whether your pricing is “right” for them. That’s just a recipe for resentment and burnout.

Your role is to share your offer, your pricing, and the impact of your work with honesty, transparency, and integrity. 

That’s it. 

By doing so, you empower your ideal clients to make well-informed decisions based on the complete information you provide upfront.

When you put your prices on your website, you’re essentially saying, “Hey, this is what I offer, and this is what it costs. If it aligns with your needs and budget, fantastic! If not, no hard feelings.” 

You’re giving your potential clients the power to self-select, to determine whether your offers are the right fit for them without shame or high-pressure sales tactics and, most importantly, with integrity.

And here’s the beautiful thing: When you empower your clients to make their own decisions, you attract the ones who are ready to invest in the transformation you provide. They’re not just looking for the cheapest option or to be persuaded to buy; they’re looking for the best fit for their needs. 

On the flip side, when you hide your prices, you’re more likely to attract bargain hunters. Instead of caring about the value you provide, they are often less concerned with quality and more concerned with getting a product or the job done for the lowest price. As a result, you end up with transactional clients who are constantly trying to nickel-and-dime you, questioning your every move, questioning your prices, and demanding more for less.

When you take on these kinds of clients, you might find yourself overworked, undervalued, and questioning why you started your business in the first place. You might even start to resent your clients, which is a terrible place to be.

So, my advice

Put your prices on your website and let your ideal clients come to you. Trust that the right people will appreciate your transparency and be ready to invest in your products or services when the time is right. 

When you do, you’ll find yourself energized and inspired, doing work that truly lights you up. You’ll build long-lasting relationships with clients who sing your praises and refer you to their friends. And most importantly, you’ll be able to sustain a profitable business that supports your lifestyle and your dreams.

And for those who aren’t the right fit? Well, they’ll self-select out, saving you both time, energy, and frustration in the long run.

Remember, your pricing is a reflection of the value you provide. By sharing it openly and unapologetically, you’re positioning your clients to make the best decision for themselves.

Be Honest and Transparent

When it comes to your pricing, honesty and transparency are key. That means no sneaky fees, no “but wait, there’s more!” upsells, and definitely no “you can’t buy this without that” nonsense.

No one likes getting slapped with hidden costs, especially when it comes to their hard-earned money. And yet, so many businesses still resort to the ol’ bait and switch, luring clients in with one price and then hitting them with hidden costs and surprise fees.

Your clients deserve better than that.

Some businesses might think they’re being clever by listing prices that seem too good to be true. They might advertise a low base price, only to surprise clients with a barrage of additional fees and required add-ons later in the process.

But that’s not transparency. In fact, it’s worse than not listing your prices at all!

When you’re not upfront about pricing, it erodes trust. Clients start to question your integrity, wondering what other surprises you have in store. Even if they do end up working with you, there’s always going to be that nagging feeling of distrust in the back of their mind.

That’s not the reputation you want for your business.

Instead, be upfront about your pricing from the start. If your services include different packages or tiers, clearly outline what’s included in each one. Don’t try to lure clients in with artificially low prices, only to hit them with extra costs later.

Be the business that people trust.

When you’re honest and transparent about your pricing, you build a reputation as a business that puts integrity first. Clients will know that they can count on you to be straightforward, without any hidden agendas or sneaky tactics.

And that reputation will serve you well in the long run. Clients talk, and word of mouth is powerful. When you consistently demonstrate honesty and transparency, your clients will become your biggest advocates, recommending you to others as a trustworthy business.

Be honest and transparent about your pricing from the get-go. Your clients will appreciate it, and you’ll build a stellar reputation founded on integrity.

Create a Positive Client Experience

Being honest and transparent with your pricing isn’t just about your reputation or doing the right thing– it’s also about creating a positive client experience that lasts.

When clients come to you, they’re putting their trust (and their money) in your hands. They’re counting on you to deliver what they need at the price they agreed to. And when you do that – when you’re transparent and upfront about your pricing – it creates a foundation of trust and confidence that sets the stage for a smooth experience.

Think about it this way:

When your clients know exactly what they’re getting and how much it will cost, they can relax and focus on the work at hand. They’re not constantly worrying about hidden fees or surprise charges, because they know you’ve been upfront with them from the start.

And that peace of mind is invaluable.

It allows your clients to fully engage with your offer, products, or services, to ask questions and provide genuine feedback without hesitation. They feel valued and respected, knowing that you have their best interests at heart.

And when your clients feel valued and respected, amazing things can happen.

They’re more likely to see the full value of your offers, to commit to the process, and to achieve the results they’re looking for. They’re more likely to come back to you again in the future, and to refer you to others.

In short, transparency in pricing sets the stage for a positive client experience that can lead to long-term success for you, your clients, and your business.

How To Work with Custom Quotes

Now, you might be thinking, “But all of my quotes are custom! It’s impossible for me to list my prices because each project needs a custom proposal!” 

I get it. 

I’ve worked in the design industry for almost 20 years, and most big projects require a custom quote. 

But just because your quotes are custom doesn’t mean you can’t provide some pricing information upfront. 

How to Provide Custom Pricing Information 

In your creative business it may not make sense to give an exact price without knowing the specifics of a project. But that doesn’t mean you can’t give a ballpark idea of what they can expect. 

Think about it this way: when you’re house hunting, you don’t want to waste your time looking at properties that are way out of your budget. It’s no different for your clients. They want to know if your offers are within reach before they invest time and energy into contacting you.

So, how can you give them a glimpse without committing to a hard and fast price? It’s simple: provide a price range, a starting price, or some sample pricing.

  • List a “starting at” price if you have a base price that can go up from there. 
  • If you have different packages, provide a price range with a low and high end. 
  • You can also offer sample pricing, such as “For example, this would be priced at [insert price here].”

These solutions allow potential clients to get an idea of what they’ll be spending before committing to further discussions.

The key is to have a pricing formula that you use and follow consistently. That way, you’re not just pulling numbers out of thin air, and you can feel confident that you’re pricing your offers fairly and profitably.

At the end of the day, working with custom quotes doesn’t have to be a barrier to providing pricing information on your website. 

Avoid High-Pressure Tactics

Now, I know some businesses might be tempted to play hard to get with their pricing. They might think that hiding their prices behind a contact form or requiring an email to see a price list will create an air of exclusivity and make potential clients more likely to reach out.

But let me tell you, that approach can backfireand fast!

It reminds me of those “enter to win a free vacation!” giveaways that, once they have your number, call you incessantly telling you that you won…you just need to come sit through this high-pressure time share presentation to claim your vacation prize.

When you make people jump through hoops just to get a basic idea of your pricing, it can come across as high-pressure and sleazy in a similar way. And that’s not the vibe you want to be putting out into the world.

Instead, make it easy for interested prospects to find your pricing information on your website, even if it’s just a range or a starting point. 

And if you do decide to use a contact form or email opt-in, make sure you’re crystal clear about what people are signing up for. The last thing you want is for someone to feel deceived.

By giving your potential clients a glimpse into what they can expect and steering clear of questionable tactics, you’ll build trust, attract your ideal clients, and set yourself up for long-term success.

Add Pricing To Your Website

Alright, it’s time to take the leap and put your prices on your website. I know it can feel scary, but trust me, it’s a game-changer.

By embracing transparency and speaking confidently about your prices, you’re not just building trust with your potential clients – you’re also setting yourself up for success.

Remember, your ideal clients want to work with someone who values their time and investment. By providing them with the information they need upfront, you’re empowering them to make informed decisions and showing them that you’re a business owner who operates with honesty and integrity.

And if you’re still not feeling solid about your pricing, I’ve got your back. 

I have a collection of free blogs to support you on your pricing journey as a creative entrepreneur, including:

  1. Why Pricing Your Offers in a Vacuum is Dangerous
  2. Pricing for Profit
  3. Harnessing Customer Feedback for Strategic Pricing
  4. Unlock The Psychology of Pricing
  5. Beyond Pricing: Building a Sustainable Business Model
  6. How To Price Your Offers Without Losing Sleep (or Clients)

But if you really want to take your pricing game to the next level, I’ve got two incredible offers that will help you feel confident as hell when you hit that “publish” button:

  • The Product Pricing Calculator: Use this calculator to confidently and strategically price your product-based offers. It crunches all the numbers for you!

  • The Service Pricing Calculator: This calculator simplifies the pricing process, allowing you to intentionally set prices for your service-based offers.

Plus, as a bonus, both offers include a FREE Hourly Rate & Capacity Calculator!

I also have my Pricing Mini-Course that is designed to help you strategically and profitably set prices for your creative business. It includes both of the above calculators (ideal for creative businesses offering both products and services) and additional resources to guide you through the entire pricing process.

These tools will not only help you crunch the numbers but also give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing your prices are on point and reflective of your industry, your “enough point,” and the value you bring to the table.

So, take a deep breath, put your prices on your website, and watch your business thrive. With the right resources and a little bit of courage, you’ve got this.


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